Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I hate it when my laundry doesn’t dry

Isnt it funny how the mood of your entire day can be determined by the efficiency of your dryer? The elation you feel when you open the dryer to drag your laundry out and touch warm dry clothes is indescribable. On the flipside, this is what you get when your drying cycle doesn’t go well- an angry irritable me. Today has been an exceptionally bad day. I am trying to not crib on my blog too much and lock all this negative zen for all of internet’s posterity but today has been one of those ‘Adam Sandler comic loser movie’ kind of days. It all started with cramps and an uh-oh moment in the bathroom right at the beginning of work. Then came 8 hours of nothingness, staring blankly into my laptop and the 3 and a half walls of my cubicle, with nothing, absolutely nothing to do except drink bad vending machine coffee every 2 hours. Then came the bad dryer incident. Then came trying to fix the bad dryer incident by blow drying my moist tshirt (yeah i had to wear those clothes. I didn’t have anything else to wear after my shower) with a hair dryer and accidently shorting some fuse in some cynical universe’s plan and plunging half the room into darkness. So am sitting here in my wet bra with my wet hair trying to think warm thoughts and lull myself into a sleep before i do any more swearing. And oh yeah all of us have to use the bathroom facilities in darkness, save for the torchlight we have set up to compensate for the lack of electric lighting, thanks to me.


*Happy thoughts. Warm thoughts. Happy thoughts*

My resolutions for the month are going fine. They are: a) smile and make eye contact and/or nod my head and say hello when I pass a random stranger in the corridor as opposed to staring awkwardly at some spot on the ceiling or take an immediate interest in my phone and b) not be cynical and to be more supportive of my friends plans for the future. My dominating cynical subconscious half would like to interject that fine might be too optimistic a word to use to describe the progress of my resolutions but lets just ignore it for now.

Summer in general is going great. Which is why summers are and always have been my favourite time of year (Christmas is second). 2 of my friends left India for the green shores of USA yesterday and I’ve been nostalgia tripping back to my own journey last year ever since. 1 other friend is doing the opposite route, leaving behind the American continent to go back to mother India. 3 friends in the air. God speed to them.

I will start shopping for my India trip soon, as soon as i get my next salary. In the meantime, i make lists, amend them, change them, make new ones every day on the people who deserve my US returnee gifts. Sometimes i am in a lenient mood and i add everyone who has ever called me or texted me since i have come to the US to my list (which, dear readers, is a very small group of people). Other times, i strike out whole subclasses of people from my list. This usually happens after i have checked my bank balance for the umpteenth time. Ah, the feeling of playing God!

I think i am getting a headache.

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