Sunday, April 3, 2011

To a people starved of home, to ones clinging to fast fading memories and half remembered dreams to remind themselves of the country they left behind, to a small group who stayed up all night loading themselves with coffee and diet coke and tortilla chips in a little room with a HD tv in the corner of Boelter Hall of Engineering and Sciences and many more spread across different time zones, it was a night to remember. Thank you for an amazing World Cup, Team India. Thank you for giving us something to cherish, something to carry around like a charm, something that made us forget our deadlines and lists for a while to cry with joy and hug random strangers and run around the streets, yelling, in the middle of the afternoon while people stared. I am still speechless. I am no crazed cricket fan. I am dispassionate towards the game under normal circumstances and laugh at those who bunk work days to catch a match on tv. But this was not normal circumstances. What a night! I wish I could be home now to catch the fireworks. But I cant. And I am forced to celebrate voyeuristically on Facebook through  other people's pictures and status updates. Sigh! But we shall crib another day shall we? Tonight's gonna be a good night!

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