Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All ye fellow faithful Castle fans

Now doesnt this look like the climax from Vettaiyadu Villaiyadu?
What the fricking frick was that??? Am I the only person in la-la land who thinks Castle is devolving into a predictable tamil movie. Seriously? Castle single handedly saves all of New York City from becoming the sweet spot for a mushroom cloud, he almost dies in a freezer and then miraculously lives again, saves Ryan and Esposito with Beckett's help and then saves Beckett with no one's help, solves cases that the NSA and some other hidden supersecret unheard of cogs in America's paranoid wheel couldnt, helps Beckett in her quest to lay her personal ghosts (which she has too many of) to rest AND manages to be the sensitive sweet chivalrous rich gentleman that every teenaged girl and elderly woman dreams off???? What were the writers thinking? What next? He wears tight red underwear and saves the world from a meteorite shower and gets back to the precint in time to cook dinner for Beckett??? And dont get me started on the part where the last letter a guy on the run would write to his ex-partner is that she should follow her heart to her true love. And the season finale!! Dude what was that??? Holy crap. All of season 3 was 1 big crap fest. Honestly, seasons 1 and 2 were much much MUCH better and much funnier and much more believable! What do I say now to the people who tease me for watching Castle. What can I answer. What reasonable reason can I give. Must not let it be known in public that I see Castle. Must not.


Raveena said...

I think the public knows you watch Castle. Noway to hide it now.

Praveen said...

someone's a little jealous of beckett

Divya said...

@Raveena: I am shifting loyalty to CSI:NY. I shall only watch Castle in secret from now on.

@Praveen: God! What am I, a hormone driven teenager??? I am NOT jealous. I am just saying the writers should make the plot more believable.

Srivathsan said...
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Srivathsan said...

It is for this reason that I stopped watching the series after the first few episodes of Season 3.

Divya said...

Seasons 1 and 2 were good. I am rewatching them now and I am seriously surprised at how much better it was then. The show had so much potential. They just made Castle too Vijaykanth-ish now.