Friday, November 18, 2011

I told you so and other things

While its always satisfying to say it, its also annoying. It means people totally disregarded your advice and went on to make the same mistakes you did. A lot of my friends who totally dissed the bouts of loneliness and mood swings I had during my first quarter of grad school (and still do have) and classified them all as "random things girls do" or even "Divya's unexplainable behavior" are now going through the exact same thing. And what annoys me more is that they are so much better off than i was. The have me for one. They shouldn't be complaining at all with my awesomeness around. And yet they do. But yeah "In your face!" does have a nice ring to it.

Also, girls are such simple creatures. We get depressed, we have a crappy day. People yell at us, make us feel insignificant. Things are generally grey. And we look into the mirror and notice our hair is perfectly straight and the light really brings out the very expensive highlights we got put in and our mood instantly lifts. Its like the last couple of hours just didnt picture in the story of our lives. We wear good clothes on moody days just so we might have a reason to be excited. We get all smiley when someone takes out a camera. We ooh and aah over the smallest and cheapest of trinkets. And all you need to win us over is a fluffy $5 toy. How complicated is that!

On the personal note, I just dealt with a couple of deadlines and am just chilling now. For the last week, i slogged my ass off. I couldnt remember the last time I took a bath and slept peacefully and didnt wake to drag my laptop over and check my project mate's updates and start coding. And I feel sick at myself because I am dropping the course that I've really learnt a lot in just because I am worried about my GPA. It is an extremely cowardly thing to do and I feel so bad at doing it and keep fluctuating about it. But for some reason the idealistic me seems so much easier to quell now than a couple of months back. So drop its gonna be!

I have a constantly irritated throat. I've had it ever since I got back from India which is actually worrying since that was a whole 2 months back. I have decided I am gonna test out and learn how the medical system here works, which is about time. The systems here always confuse me. Why cant I just walk into the hospital and ask to be treated again?

Also, I bought a new lens!!! Its a Canon 50 mm F/1.8 lens. If you've been to my blog in recent times and also before recent times, you would have noticed the new change which is my Amazon wishlist on the bottom. I decided to add that in case some generous readers fall so much in love with me that they starts contributing to my well being and the prolonged continuation of my writing a la Julie as in Julie and Julia. Somehow, considering the fact no one even clicked on my ads and got me any revenue with my Amazon Affliate program, I strongly doubt it, bu hey no loss in trying. So anyway, that lens was on it for a long time before i decided I'm just gonna get it for myself. Like I explained to a friend, happiness doesnt seem to be coming my way by itself so I'm just gonna create my own. Pretty deep, huh? So my new lens is here and its waaayyyy awesome! Unfortunately though I haven't had a chance to test it out yet. Sadness. In case you feel bad that you couldnt get it for me, there are still a whole bunch of stuff in there that you can get. My bday is coming up in less than a month and I'm so excited!!! I hope it doesnt work itself into being a damper which is highly possible considering none of my friends are gonna be in town. But I'll be damned if I let my bday not live up to its expectations yet another time. I promise you I am gonna have one hell of a whopper!

I am on an FB detox diet. Like I said, I get to log in only once a week or so and I've realized that when you do limit your accessing, it is not as interesting anymore. I look at sappy statuses and laugh. I look at pointless updates about Aishwarya Rai's new baby and I laugh. I look at random shares of stupid moderately sexist photos and I laugh. Its like nothing excites me any more there. And now that I am actively job hunting, LinkedIn is more my thing. I check my page every few hours to see if someone's taken a look at it. And it always makes me so happy when I get a notification saying someone's downloaded my Resume. Well, as Bradley Cooper said in some show I cant even remember the name of, what is life if not replacing one addiction with another. 

Ta for now!

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