Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do I know you?

I wrote earlier about how I stuck this trackbar (yeah the Live Traffic Feed in the lower right) in my blog to figure out whether my family knows about the existence of this blog or not. After several excited data analyses the first few days after I got the trackbar, I gave up trying to imagine who could be reading my blog. Now, every time I open my page, I scroll over to see if anyone other than myself has visited it and try mapping it to people I know. I am fanciful that way. I try to imagine the lives of people who read my blog and whether I ever pass them on the street without knowing it.

That brings me to my question. Who are you, oh person from Richmond, Virginia? Do you live in Columbus, Ohio? Why is the DoD your Internet Service Provider? Do you work for the DoD? Do you VPN in to my blog? Do you like it? My blog I mean, not the DoD. Do I know you?

Who are you, reader from Scranton, Pennsylvania?

Who are you?


Rija Yousuf said...


Unknown said...

Something most people can relate to I think - the need to not just write/express, but be heard, get a response, be acknowledged. Because blogging like everything else is exhibitionism and needs an audience. Because we are all voyeurs and the internet could just be our only salvation, whether we like to accept it or not. I was considering getting one of those trackbar thingies; think I'll give it a miss now.

Anonymous said...

hi Divya,

I read your most recent blog asking who is this visitor from Richmond, Virginia. I think you know who I am.
I find myself wondering if I should tell you or not. If I tell you then everytime I read your blog ( and I keep looking if you wrote a new post or not! ) u'll know I am reading. I don't know if i like that. I think someday I will. After all, its not such a big deal. I mean if you know who I am its not like you are going to be thrilled or something.

I love the way you write. I keep a diary and the diary-like personal touch your blog has appeals to me. You have a gift. Keep writing. Am sure there are others out there like me who look forward to reading your posts.

Wish you a very happy new year!

Divya said...

@Anonymous: If you know me, you will know exactly how much that comment is screwing with my head right now. And you dont know I wont be thrilled. Did we go to the same school or college? Did a mutual friend introduce us? Oh come on! Gimme a clue! And happy 2012!!!

@icyhighs: I totally agree. You should still get a trackbar. Its pretty fun. I wanted to take it down after a couple of days but am still hanging on to it coz its so much fun imagining who could be reading your blog.

Zeba said...

I am Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. :-D

Divya said...

Hello Jeba!!!

Leva Hatter said...

Assuming X=X, Texas.
Was curious to about the referrer.

Anonymous said...

This is an appropriate post for this comment. Thanks for including our blog in your little list thing on the side. Looks like Leva Hatter has already been snooping around here. The word verification thing wants me to type "bobari"... I hope I can manage that.


- Icebrut Iyer